
the autumn mood board

So heres a quick little post we decided to put together while in the midst of the mess that is caused by school and homework and life in general! Although many may think of mood boards as something easy to put together, we believe otherwise. Putting pictures together to set a certain 'mood' or give off a vibe or even just to express how one is feeling, requires time and thought, and along with the time and thought comes a lot of inspiration.

Making a mood board is definitely a way to relax and let go of worries, have fun and experiment with pictures, and is just the perfect way to express what you want to express using visuals, and that in itself is a form of art (and we are your local artsy kids ya know so art is everything). So really, even though they look like pictures thrown together, easy peasy, it's not! But hey, they're fun to put together and they require creativity, and anything that requires creativity is pretty awesome if you think about it.

So get your creativity on and make some mood boards babes!


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