
backstage beauties

Throwing together a fashion show surely doesn't seem to be an easy affair. Backstage, away from the runway, is where the havoc takes place before the show is set to begin as the models, accessories, the make-up, and the glamorous designer pieces are put together by teams that bustle in excitement and anxiety while preparing. It is quite peculiar to think that a model puts the item on and simply walks down the runway for in reality it is far more complex. Assistants, artists, designers and many real hard working individuals, spend time, money and effort aiming to get every detail perfect before their precious works are displayed.

Yet, aside from the craziness and hard work, backstage is where the magic and the art of fashion come together. Where models are engaged in conversation as their fabulous final touches are applied,  where stories are shared between the v.i.p's of the fashion world and the media, and most importantly where the designer, albeit frantically, basks in the glow of their fabulous work before it is set free for the world to see.

As the models are ready and pumped to get out there and show off the glamour and shimmer of the pieces they wear and as the preparations of the show come to an end, once the event begins, and the first model takes the first footstep onto the catwalk, the chaos becomes worth it all. And why? Because the work these designers produce is unlike any other form of art or expression and to share that with the world sounds like a pretty remarkable experience. "Fashion is in the sky, in the street, fashion has to do with ideas, the way we live, what is happening" - Coco Chanel. And to produce that level of fashion is impossible without the work that takes place behind the scenes.

much love lovelies,

many of the images used were found on - Vogue
some also from tumblr.

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