
thoughts & life & other stuff...

This past month has been alright, I guess. Actually this month I spent most of my days at home and sick... yeah I know... sad. Kind of had me feeling down in the dumps, and obviously feeling like crap isn't a great feeling at all so I stayed home for a bit and rested up until I felt 100% - which is an important thing to do. Then I was back on my feet going back to school and starting my transition into year 11. So now school is a big deal, going into VCE is a something important to me and is actually a really big motivator for me! With the subjects I have picked, that I'll hopefully enjoy and that I'll try my hardest in, is what I'm excited for most. So now that I have basically started year 11 it's time to pull my head in and start letting my creative juices turn into something amazing when it comes to the work I produce for school. 

Other then talking about school I am pretty excited for the future. The future for The Misfits and for both Mayy and I's individual work. With Mayy having her pieces published in magazines, I have recently joined a team of inspiring, young and creative people. I am so excited for what's to come after I have joined. And to have the opportunity to be a part of such a great movement. Very thankful to Fred the founder of DPS, who approached me and asked to join. It was something I never thought I would do but I reached out of my comfort zone and took this opportunity, to test my creative ability, especially in fashion. So check out both Fred and DPS on Instagram because it's just amazing thing to be a part of and I hope it inspires you, yes, you to be motivated and to be the best version of you!!!

Sincerely, Sabrina xx

Fred's Instagram: @limitlessfred

So, I’m hoping that we make more posts like this so that we can just let it all out and put our thoughts out there, for a more personal connection with our readers.

It’s been crazy. This past month has literally been a rollercoaster of up and downs. The same week that I had exams, was the week right after my mum got married. And theres this one passage from my most favourite, most treasured book, The Perks of Being a Wallflower that goes like, “So, this is my life. And I want you to know that I am not happy and sad and I’m still trying to figure out how that could be”, and that line when I had read it the first time had never resonated with me as much as it does now. So, I am both happy and sad because of the situation I’m in, and that’s okay. I’ve been so tired, so unmotivated and my level of insecurity about my body rises when I feel like that, mostly because putting off exercise because of being busy with school and adjusting to the major shift in life makes me  feel frustrated.

I’ve been listening to a lot of music, and I normally listen to a lot, so when I say a lot this time.. I mean A LOT. Just soft, twinkling, gentle songs that make me feel content, warm, and happy. My school also started head-start, which is our official change to the 2017 calendar, meaning I basically started year 11. I love all my subjects, but I’m freaking out a bit…. Isn’t that normal? Literature is probably my favourite right now, I just feel like it’s the right subject for me, and I already got the chance to go crazy about The Perks of Being a Wallflower during class discussions so I’m lovin’ it hah! That book is just something else. I cry every damn time I read it but I keep reading it over and over again and it just gets me through so much I absolutely adore it. On another note, I have two articles coming out in two different magazines (DRAFT Magazine & FEAD Magazine) and I’m so excited but also kinda nervous and I don’t know why. 

I just can’t wait for the school holidays to be here already, and it’s just so close. I’ll be traveling to Dubai for three weeks and hopefully I’ll get heaps of content for the blog from there, and hopefully sab will be working on some other exciting stuff for you guys while I’m gone.

And so that’s life for me right now I guess, I hope you can somehow relate to me or just get what I’m saying.

Just keep being you, you beautiful little wallflowers

Yours Truly, Mayy

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