
thoughts & life & other stuff... PART TWO

Heya babes!! Mayy here... We've missed you. 

I'm sitting here having a warm cup of tea, it's raining outside, The Brady Bunch is on tv, I have a stack of homework to do, I canceled plans with friends, I tried a Pop Tart for the first time, and it was oddly unsatisfying.... and I have my first English SAC of the year tomorrow.

I've been thinking a lot lately... The two of us have been thinking a lot. A lot about the future of this blog. 

We sooooo hope that going into year 11 is not going to stop us from posting as much as we did last year because that would suck. To be completely honest, with the blur of coming back from overseas and going back to school, it's been hard to find inspiration, so I've been looking through magazines and so many other blogs just waiting for the spark of some ideas. But that's okay I guess, it happens. Through the summer holidays, I started experimenting with art a whole lot and I never thought I'd be the 'artist' type, I've always just admired it. I'm not sure how to explain it but I find that a lot of the time, especially when school starts to get hectic, I tend to crave making something, creating something, whether it be a piece of art or 5 blog posts in one go. And with that in mind, so many ideas for this blog come rushing through my head and there's just so much that I want to do with it, there's so much that WE want to do. Start being more on top of things - sending out emails to those subscribed to our Misfit Universe, not fall behind on posts because of school, try out new things - simply, experiment.

Anyways, this was just a way to express what we've been thinking sorta, along with some pretty pictures (that blogger decided to make extremely blurry) haha. It doesn't make a whole lot of sense as to why we put this together but I'm seriously sleep deprived, mostly because I stay up all night binge watching The O.C, and there's so much on my mind right now.... blaaahhhhhhhhh...

Hello sweeties!! Sabrina here, it’s been a long since I have talked to you. 

So let’s talk about life. As you might know Mayy and I have started VCE, which is a pretty significant time in our education and life. So it’s been pretty stressful studying for sacs and outcomes. But we have to be grateful to have an education and not take it for granted. 

Both Mayy and I have been talking about new and exciting ideas for our blog and how we can better the blog and our social media in the future. I’ve been seeking for inspiration by scrolling through tumblr, looking at other blogs and flicking through magazines such as Yen Magazine and Frankie Magazine. I’m pretty pumped for this year and hopeful that school won’t get to much into the way with our creativeness and activeness on our blog. It’s something I still want to pursue, both Mayy and I have so much doing this and yes, sometimes we don’t have inspiration or motivation but that’s what happens when you’re human. 

Anyways I would love to thank you guys from the bottom of our hearts for supporting us and the blog, it really makes us even more motivated to make new posts for you guys!! We are really are grateful and thankful for the support and lovely messages from you, we love you guys a lot and I hope you have a good day 💌

So much love, from yours truly,
Mayy and Sabrina,
The Misfits x 

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