
the teen blogger tag

The Misfits. Mayy & Sabrina. Partners in Crime.
Why did we start this blog? 
If you're curious, then this is what this post is for. To help you get to know us a little more and why this blog was started.
Thanks to a few fellow bloggers, this tag had been shared around and luckily enough, we were given the opportunity to answer these few questions by the lovely Vampygold, and hopefully pass them onto other bloggers that we've come to appreciate and be inspired by.
So lets begin!

Why did you start blogging and when? 
After contemplating the idea for days on end, after being asked to make a blog by many people, after looking through blogs upon endless blogs and wishing that we could one day be a part of that community, we actually did it. We decided to do it, for real! It was the holidays, pretty sure it was the December of 2015? and we were walking around the neighbourhood enjoying the weather when it came to our minds. Like, why don't we start a blog? You wanna start a blog and I wanna start a blog, lets just do it together?!
And thats simply how it started :)

Do you think being a teen blogger is more stressful because of school?
M: Hell no! Blogging is definitely a way to de-stress my mind and express my thoughts and feelings and just let all my creativity splurge out onto one website! In the beginning my idea of blogging stressed me out though as I thought I'd have to post every week or keep up with other bloggers and a whole bunch of other unnecessary worries and thoughts, and then I realised, wait, this is a blog for creativity and inspiration, not a blog to stress out about as long as I'm doing what I love with my best friend and as long I'm putting my all into it, it won't be stressful. So no, its not stressful at all!

S: School is stressful not being a teen blogger. I personally started blogging because I thought it'd be fun to do in my down time and it's made me really happy. So no I don't think it's stressful because I see school and blogging as two completely different things.

If you had to describe what you write about in 3 words, what would they be? 
M: Photography, Style, Artsy things

S: Fashion, Lifestyle and Photography 

Top 5 teen bloggers?

Chessie - Freshly Pickked
Maggie - The Misfitted
Mia - Simply Mia
Helena - Hey Plantimal

and countless others... x

Have you ever been teased or bullied by class-mates because of your blog?
M: Nope, in fact, a class mate actually gave me the idea of starting this up before I ever even thought about it and she kept on mentioning it to me until voila! I made a blog! Overall, everyone is super supportive, everyones constantly complementing the work Sabrina and I have put up, so yeah, everyones lovely and theres never been a hint of bullying.

S: No I have never been teased or even bullied because of our blog, in fact, friends from my school have been really supportive of the idea. So I'm really grateful for having such supportive people in my life.

What’s the meaning behind your blog’s name?  
This choice came to our minds spontaneously as we were brainstorming for the second time as we didn't like our first choice "Sweet Thangs" very much. It felt like it didn't fit us very well. "The Misfits" just made sense to us. Although the word "Misfit" is used negatively, we like to see it as a word that describes a person who thinks unlike others, who sets their own rules, who goes on adventures and is bursting with ideas and loves being who they are. So we interpret it differently. And that fits us.

(plus the logo looks so cute doesn't it?)

Do you think blogging has become a more competitive industry in recent years?
As new bloggers, we're still going with the flow, getting comfortable, getting some inspiration from others and really just trying to work our way through this, so we can't say we've been bloggers long enough to actually feel the affect of any competitiveness in this industry.

Who are your celebrity style icons?
M: This is so hard, there are just so many... I guess to keep this simple, I can say one of my absolute favourites is Chloe Sevigny. Her style is just so bold, so out there, yet so elegant at times and just always well put together. All throughout the 90s, up until now, her style has always meant something to me. She always has a way of looking unique yet completely stylish while setting her own image. She's just the embodiment of awesome.


S: My celebrity style icon is Rihanna, this beautiful woman can pull anything off from her famous see through diamond dress that she wore to the CFDA Fashion Awards in 2014 to her street style based outfits that you see photos of her down town in New York. I have a lot of respect for Rihanna and her style as she does whatever she wants to do and wears whatever she wants to wear, and still manages to pull it off! And I guess that's why Rihanna is my celebrity style icon.

Who do you take your blog inspiration from?
We take so much inspiration from so many bloggers like Chessie (Freshly Pickked), Claire (Heyclaire), Eileen  (killerandasweetthang - who is amazing), youtubers Cassie & Ricci (ToThe9s), and the list can go on forever haha.
It's really great when you find sources of inspiration, its really helpful and takes your mind to places where ideas are buzzing around and thoughts are waiting to be used to make something amazing.

Are your parents supportive of your blog? Do they understand it?
M: Yes!! My mum is a huge supporter and loves the idea of it, and my dad's been pretty cool with it :D

S: Yes my parents are supportive of the idea and they understand it as well. They loved the idea when I told them what the blog is about. 

What’s the best thing that’s come out of blogging so far?
M: Definitely the the ability to feel like I can be myself, that I can inspire someone out there and one of the best feelings is feeling truly happy with what I've put out there. So the best thing thats come out of it is the fact that it's helped me feel like I'm doing something that'll not only benefit me in the future but'll benefit me now.

S: Just being creative and being ourselves has been the best so far and it just feels like its going to get better as we progress!

Describe the teen blogging community in 3 words?
Inspiring, supportive and creative.

(also gorgeous, amazing, strong, important... hehe) 

What’s your favourite type of blog post to write?
M: So far, Photo Diaries. I love photography. And I love writing. So putting a photo diary together is my favourite thing to do when it comes to blogging. I love taking the pictures, keeping them with me for a while and then being able to savour the memories and spill them out by using words to describe the moments made while on that specific adventure.

S: Photo diaries just because I get to practice my photography skill, I would love to be photography and study photography in the future so doing these photo diaries are really fun and helpful. 

Who do you tag?
We tag Maggie from The Misfitted because she's super cool, and Danielle from Child Of The Cosmic because she's the sweetest person alive xx



  1. Love this post, it's so awesome to get to know you guys! xx

    1. Thank you so so much hun, so much love for you and your blog x
